OSS voor Windows: Spellen

NaamFunctieOok LinuxOok NLWebsite
AnagramaramaMake words from given lettersjaneecode.google.com/p/anagramarama
Armagetron AdvancedMultiplayer arcade style gamejaneewww.armagetronad.org
The Battle for WesnothTurn-based strategiespel met een fantasy themajadeelwww.wesnoth.org
Bugdom 2Port of Pangea Software’s 2002 game Bugdom 2 (the sequel to Bugdom) to modern operating systemsjaneegithub.com/jorio/Bugdom2
CartridgesGame launcherja?github.com/kra-mo/cartridges
EDuke32Port of the classic PC first person shooter Duke Nukem 3Dja?www.eduke32.com
EnigmaUncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones while solving puzzlesjaneewww.nongnu.org/enigma
Fheroes2Recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.ja?ihhub.github.io/fheroes2
FlightgearGeperfectioneerde, professionele vluchtsimulatiejajawww.flightgear.org
FreecivStrategiespel waarin rijken worden opgebouwdjajafreeciv.fandom.com
FreeColTurn-based strategy based on Colonizationjajawww.freecol.org
HeroicEpic, GOG and Amazon Prime Games launcher. Also available on the SteamDeck!ja?heroicgameslauncher.com
Kobo DeluxeThird person scrolling 2D shooterjaneewww.olofson.net/kobodl
LBreakOut HDBreakout-style arcade gamejaneelgames.sourceforge.io/LBreakoutHD
LibreMinesMinesweeper gameja?github.com/Bollos00/LibreMines
NaikariSpace exploration gameja?naikari.github.io
NeverballMiniature golf and an obstacle coursejaneeneverball.org
NostlanRetro game launcher for emulatorsja?quinton-ashley.github.io/nostlan-web
OoliteAn open-world space operajaneeoolite.space
OpenClonkMultiplayer action game in which you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beingsjaneewww.openclonk.org
OpenRAReal Time Strategy project  recreating the classic Command & Conquer titlesjaneewww.openra.net
PokerTHTexas Hold 'em poker simulatorjajawww.pokerth.net
Portable Puzzle CollectionCollection of thirty four small one-player puzzle gamesneeneewww.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles
Dr Robotnik’s Ring RacersMario Kart-like kart racing gameja?https://www.kartkrew.org/
RufasSliderCollection of 16 different block slider puzzles for kids and casual puzzlers ja?sourceforge.net/projects/rufasslider
Scorched3DArtillery gamejaneewww.scorched3d.co.uk
Sokoban YASCPut all of the crates into the designated areas by nudging themneeneesourceforge.net/..../sokobanyasc
Sonic Robo Blast 23D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doomja?www.srb2.org
Taisei ProjectFan game of the Touhou series (shoot-’em-up games)ja?taisei-project.org
TuxMathEducational math arcade gamejaneewww.tux4kids.com/tuxmath.html
Tux RacerTux the Linux Penguin races down steep, snow-covered mountainsjaneetuxracer.sourceforge.net
TuxTypingTyping tutor designed for childrenjaneewww.tux4kids.com/tuxtyping.html
UncivCivilization V remake for Android & Desktopja?github.com/yairm210/Unciv
WidelandsA slow-paced real-time strategy video gameja?www.widelands.org

Bijgewerkt: 2 juli 2024
